Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Best E-News of the week......(July 20-25)....!!!!!!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to Antonette of 6-Mary, The Blessed Virgin for having this E-News, here is the news.................... pardon the cliche, but it's one of the holiest of Holy Grails of technology: Wireless power. And while early lab experiments have been able to "beam electricity a few feet to power a light bulb, the day when our laptops and cell phones can charge without having to plug them in to a wall socket......... hope you learne alot from our E-News everyday.........Ms. Dorado♥

Best E-News of the week......(July 13-17)....!!!!!!!!!!

.............. it is difficult and expensive to create wireless networks in sparsely populated areas .......... each wireless connection point requires, notwithstanding the name, a cable connection to the Internet.......... but these problems are now being solve ......
are you interested to know who report this news???????? give your praises to Julien Kate C. Andal of 6-Mary, Seat of Wisdom....☺ CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!


The three most behave sections for the week (July 20-25) are the following:
1. VI-Mary, Guide of the Way
2. VI-Mary, Mother of God
3. VI-Mary, Cause of Our Joy
Keep up the good work!!!!!!!! ...... ♥ Ms. Dorado