Tuesday, October 20, 2009


  • What are the difference between Insert Mode and OVR Mode?

  • What are the purpose of Exercise 3 and Exercise 4?


Hi !!!!!!
Class please pardon me if I was not able to update our blog promise this week i will do my best to update this. I was really busy this past weeks..... thanks for understanding!!!!!!!
love lots,
Ms. Dorado

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Best E-News of the week......(July 20-25)....!!!!!!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to Antonette of 6-Mary, The Blessed Virgin for having this E-News, here is the news.................... pardon the cliche, but it's one of the holiest of Holy Grails of technology: Wireless power. And while early lab experiments have been able to "beam electricity a few feet to power a light bulb, the day when our laptops and cell phones can charge without having to plug them in to a wall socket......... hope you learne alot from our E-News everyday.........Ms. Dorado♥

Best E-News of the week......(July 13-17)....!!!!!!!!!!

.............. it is difficult and expensive to create wireless networks in sparsely populated areas .......... each wireless connection point requires, notwithstanding the name, a cable connection to the Internet.......... but these problems are now being solve ......
are you interested to know who report this news???????? give your praises to Julien Kate C. Andal of 6-Mary, Seat of Wisdom....☺ CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!


The three most behave sections for the week (July 20-25) are the following:
1. VI-Mary, Guide of the Way
2. VI-Mary, Mother of God
3. VI-Mary, Cause of Our Joy
Keep up the good work!!!!!!!! ...... ♥ Ms. Dorado

Thursday, July 23, 2009


The most commendable sections in terms of behavior last week (July 13-17) are the following:

1. VI-Mary, Guide of the Way
2. VI-Mary, Mother of God
3. VI-Mary, Mother of the Church

Keep up the good work!!!!!!!! ...... ♥ Ms. Dorado

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Best E-NEWS of the Week......!!!!!!!!

............. to help avoid viruses, it's essential that you keep your computer current with the latest updates and anti virus tools............................. and that you follow a few basic rules when you surf the internet, download files and open attachments........................................... do you know where this from? It is from the best E-News reporter of this week, none other than GIOVANNI of Mary, Cause of OurJoy, let us give him a round of applause.....!!!!!!!!!..................................................ms. dorado


For this week's most behave class are the following sections!!!!!!!!
1. VI-Mary, Guide of the Way
2. VI- Mary, Mediatrix of all Grace
3. VI- Mary, Mother of God

special citation for VI- Mary, Mystical Rose ( I hope you know why it is only special citation )

.......................... ms. dorado

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


What problem(s) you have encountered in doing your first presentation?
........... ms. dorado

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Follow-up on Activity # 1

please limit your presentation in 2 slides only.
....................ms. dorado

Regarding Activity # 1

Dear Maryans,
It is ok what version of MS PowerPoint you are going to use, if you want to include animation you can add. Just send your slide presentation in my email address melaniedorado@yahoo.com
.........................................ms. dorado

Friday, June 26, 2009

dear marians,

if your section is not included in the top 3 behave sections, it only means you did not pass my criteria as one of the behave section, maybe some of you classmates are not behaving well.

i hope you understand and dont worry you still have another chance...... ms. dorado

My Family Members (Sample)


Dear Grade 6 Marians:

Praised be Jesus and Mary!

I have thought of making our vacation truly productive. I want you to do something that will give me an idea on your level of knowledge and skills on the use of slideshow presentation.

For this online activity, I want you to create a 2-slide presentation of your family members based on the following requirements.

  • Use full names of family members; you may include extended family members;
  • Give a brief description for each family member;
  • You may include pictures when available

See a sample Family Members presentation posted at this blog for your reference. Send your presentation to (melaniedorado@yahoo.com) On or Before JULY 10, 2009.

Note: Treat this as an additional online computer activity that would support our core lesson on slideshow presentation. For any queries, feel free to comment on my blog and I will be happy to respond.

Thank you and I miss you all. ;-)

… Ms. Dorado

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Congatulation! 6-22-09

Another commendable behavior of grade six pupils are the following sections:
1. 6- Mary, Mother of Church
2. 6- Mary, Guide of the Way
3. 6- Mary, Mother of God

Congatulations!!!!!! Keep up the GOOD WORK!!!!.......................ms. dorado

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


What can you say about our blog site?


What are your expectations in computer subject?


I would like to commend the behavior of 3 sections in grade six for their good bahavior inside their classroom...... they are the following
Mary, Cause of Our Joy
Mary, Guide of the Way
Mary, Mother of God
Congratulations!!!!!!!!..........................ms. dorado

Sunday, June 14, 2009


prepare your E-NEWS, let me check it first before you transfer it to acetate...... ms. dorado

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Strictly for Grade Six

Welcome Back!
How's your vacation?