Thursday, July 9, 2009


For this week's most behave class are the following sections!!!!!!!!
1. VI-Mary, Guide of the Way
2. VI- Mary, Mediatrix of all Grace
3. VI- Mary, Mother of God

special citation for VI- Mary, Mystical Rose ( I hope you know why it is only special citation )

.......................... ms. dorado


  1. hi miss

    bakit po wala kami

    mary mother of the church

    makulit po ba kami

  2. Congratulations! Mary, Mother of God for being chosen as one of the most behaved sections in grade VI for 3 consecutive weeks. Keep it up guys! ...................Ms. Torres

  3. eii .. mS .. pLs .. pUt us agAin jOke .. were gOnna bEh .. bEhAve nhAh .. pwAmixZh .. ^^ jUst pUt us bAk .. hehe ..

    ur cHoice mS ..!!

    -tAke cAre kip xZape ..!!
