Thursday, July 23, 2009


The most commendable sections in terms of behavior last week (July 13-17) are the following:

1. VI-Mary, Guide of the Way
2. VI-Mary, Mother of God
3. VI-Mary, Mother of the Church

Keep up the good work!!!!!!!! ...... ♥ Ms. Dorado

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Best E-NEWS of the Week......!!!!!!!!

............. to help avoid viruses, it's essential that you keep your computer current with the latest updates and anti virus tools............................. and that you follow a few basic rules when you surf the internet, download files and open attachments........................................... do you know where this from? It is from the best E-News reporter of this week, none other than GIOVANNI of Mary, Cause of OurJoy, let us give him a round of applause.....!!!!!!!!! dorado


For this week's most behave class are the following sections!!!!!!!!
1. VI-Mary, Guide of the Way
2. VI- Mary, Mediatrix of all Grace
3. VI- Mary, Mother of God

special citation for VI- Mary, Mystical Rose ( I hope you know why it is only special citation )

.......................... ms. dorado

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


What problem(s) you have encountered in doing your first presentation?
........... ms. dorado